"To fulfil the purposes of God and reflect Christs' love"
My favorite place to go is to the Kingdom of Lesotho . Apart from the country itself being very mountainous and beautiful, the people are very friendly and kindhearted.
I will never forget the generosity of people who own almost nothing and live in a very harsh climate, sharing with us food that they have planted, cared for, reaped, processed and cooked. They have so little and yet they share all they have with 20 strangers who come to their village.
I would love to be able to share more with them they they have with me. I share with them the Love of Jesus and we fellowship and are able to laugh and smile together.
I wonder if these people are aware of just how rare it is to live in such a beautiful setting.
I can't help but believe when I am in the company of people who live a life that is so communal, that their way of life is much closer to the Koinonia or fellowship that Jesus spoke about. Perhaps in the advantages we have gained in the western world we have lost a rare jewel of the true meaning of being part of humanity.
Lesotho reminds me of this.
Most people in the west would be devastated to own so little and would doubt their own value in the world, and yet these people share, and smile and sing and love and live in a land that is natural and beautiful.
Lesotho is a country dominated by desperate poverty. Development is rare and when it does come it often has other motives of taking and using the people and resources of Lesotho and not about benefiting the people themselves.
I know that God has got special plans for Lesotho. A life of faith and knowledge of God is part of what can add hope to these people. The church owes these people to make a difference. I remember the words of Jesus about the sheep and the goats, when the people complained that they had never seen him naked or hungry or in need and refused to help and he reminded them that what we do "for the least of these" we are actually doing for Him.
I am heading back to Lesotho just before Easter. We are trying to build a Jungle Gym in the playground of a school we visit in Mokhotlong. We managed to be part of a program that enabled them to build classrooms and the school is doing very well.
If anybody would like more information or is able to assist in any way, please contact Heritage Academy at principal@heritageacademy.co.za. It would really made a difference.
Please also pray for the people of Lesotho.
The picture on the bottom is of the inside of one of the huts. This lady owns so little. Note the plank against the wall to keep out the cold. Yet this lady caught and donated us a chicken as a gift when we visited her.
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