Monday, February 28, 2011

Its all up in the air. - An Open Letter to the PDGA

I am a huge fan of disc golf. I play disc golf. I dream disc golf.

I am frustrated.
What a game!

I am frustrated by a lack of information and news. I live in South Africa and disc golf is never in the news and so I rely on the web to keep me up to date with the news. The PDGA does a good job of keeping track of events schedules, world rankings and tournament results, but where is the soul, passion and personality in that?
Ball golf is a billion dollar industry. Players earn millions in endorsements and advertising. Prize money is enormous and every day ball golf is in the papers and on television. The reason for the money is because ball golf is news friendly. It is a sport that plays out like a soap opera.

Tiger the man who rose from nowhere.
Tiger against the odds.
Is Tiger the greatest?
A Tiger in my bed.
Can Tiger recover?
Will Phil make no1?

It is in the news. Sure some of it is cheap tabloid fare, but people read it and love it. Disc golf does not have to do the whole who-is-sleeping-with-who story, but there are still countless untold stories out there.

Let me illustrate this by sharing some of the things that I would like to know.

Is the champ still playing this year?
Is Doss gatting married?
Fire or ice - Locastro or Feldberg?
Can Avery rule this year?
Can a part timer be no1 again?
What is the future of David Wiggins JR?
Which is the grand slam?
When will Japan, Europe and U.S. opens be big every year?
Who is swopping sponsors and why?
Will Europe ever dominate? Why? Why not?
How good are the young guns?
Schusterick or Lizzotte? Or even oscar stenfeldt ?
Tell us who you think will win in 2020?
What if Stanhope went full time?
Is Paige Pierce going full time?
Dave and Melody?
Personality clashes?
Is Philo going to make the big time?
Will we see 1100 or even 1200 rating?
Eric McCabe, can he do it again?
Val & Nate - Innova & Discraft?
Is latitude 64 the next big thing?
Is Aussie open the next major?

I think you get the picture. Stats and facts are the skeleton of what builds fans, but this continual discussion and insight into the world of disc golf. The personalities, predictions, pains and struggles, life on the road. This is what I want to know. I could search the web all day - but why should I have to, I am your future customer. I am the investor in your business. you should be bringing this to me.

I am not trying to be overly critical, but i want to see our sport grow. I would love to see scores of full time pros playing in glamour tournaments with millions watching every throw and millions of young fans aspiring to be the next Climo.

Please PDGA let's get our sport on the front pages. If it takes personalities and drama to do it, well then lets do it.

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