Monday, February 21, 2011

Abstract Strategy Board Game - Square Route

This is one of the games that I have designed. I will eventually put
them all on my blog. I have a fantastic game that I am developing
 called "SpyMaster" that is a cross between Stratego and Chess
that is going to create stress and anxiety in such a way that those
playing will realy feel that they are involved in the
 world of international espionage.

"By the way this is a short disclaimer to the NSA and the
boys in black. If you have tracked me doing many hours
 of research into your world; this is the reason why.
You can remove my name from your
suspicious activity list and
 allow my family to go back to normal."

If you love boardgames - you will love this one. Keep looking back for it.

Back to todays simpler game. it is called Square Route.

The amazing thing about this game is that at first getting squares is relatively easy. Sometimes for you and sometimes for your opponent a square just seems to appear as from nowhere.

As you get more experienced and are able to read the game you are better able to see and prevent squares, then the second element of the game comes into play. This is the race.

It is a real test of multi-tasking to be able to concentrate on both.

Can you do it? Can you cope with this deceptively simple game?
Let me know how it goes...

 The Rules:
1.        Square route is an exciting race game.
2.        From your start square race around your      
         square nugget around the centre star 
         and onto your finish square
3.        Each nugget may move one square in      
         any direction onto an empty square.
4.        You may not move onto the centre star.
5.        The other way to win is to place any four     
         of your nuggets to form any square.

Those who have tried this simple game, please give me some feedback on your thoughts.

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