Grade 8 Life Orientation Term One

 It is my intention to present the learners with the opportunity to realise the importance of choosing good values in life. I will present them with various positve values and they are expected to work through these values and to recognise how they could benefit from having and displaying these values.

Each value has questions that need to be answered and handed to me in class. these will be marked according to the following standards. Each is out of five marks.
0 = No Attempt
1 = Token Effort
2 = Limited Effort
3 = Adequate
4 = Proficient
5 = Excellent


Imagine that it is Saturday morning and you are off to the Mall.
You are going shopping. You meet your friends and spend time together. You meet some of your friends other friends who you had never met before.

Some seem nice and some do not seem so nice to you. Some seem to behave and talk in a way that is vulgar and rough. Others seem to have self-respect and get respect from those around them. You envy them. Some of them make you feel quite awkward and you hope they don’t think that you are out of place. Some just seem plain horrible and you don’t like them. Others make you wonder what they think of you. Some personalities are attractive and others are not. The truth is that some people seem to have great characters and others have terrible characters. Think of some of the people on TV. Some you like and others….

The great thing about being a teenager is that your own character is still forming.
You are very much influenced by your family and friends and even your culture, but the choice is still yours. You are able to choose who you become by choosing the values that will guide you. You can choose to follow values like money, pleasure, popularity, pride or you can choose values that lead to great character. Character is who you are when nobody is watching you. The truth is that as a teenager; YOU CAN CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO BE. Your character that you will carry throughout your life is who you  chose to be as a teenager.

This is truly a wonderful, but very important stage of your life!

But this is also a time in which other people will try to pressurize you into trying on some qualities that may not be right for you. Have you ever found yourself saying or doing something that does not feel like you and you wonder why you did it. You may feel such shame because of what you did, but the truth is that it may be that you were just trying on a new way of acting. It may be that you felt that your friends expected you to behave like that. This is not all bad. This is how we grow and become the adult we should be. Once you realize that this behaviour is not true to who you are then you can discard it and learn from the experience. Recognize that this is part of the process of discovering who you are.  Don’t beat yourself up too much for making mistakes. All of us make mistakes! If you accept that what you did is who you really are then you will always be ashamed of who you are; thinking you have this bad behaviour inside you that you have to hide.

The important thing is that you learn from mistakes. It is very very important that you use this time to choose and design for yourself the kind of character that you can be proud of wearing and that will take you far in life.

It is your life and it is your choice, but the choices you make now could make the difference between a success and a failure in your life. The difference between driving a Mercedes or a lifetime in taxi’s and between marrying a wonderful partner or being stuck with a real failure for a partner. This is very, very important. You can be who you want to be. You can be proud of yourself and you can make a difference to the world around you.

What makes you an individual is your personality, style, and uniqueness. In this lesson I want to propose to you some choices you can make that will lead you in the right direction. These values can be combined in such a way that we would say that someone who has chosen and developed these Values is someone with CHARACTER who is likely to make a big difference in the world and be a blessing to their family, friends and community. I would like to propose to you that you seriously consider each one of these values. You have the right to choose any or all of these and to try them on. They can be yours free of charge. With them you will win the competition that we call LIFE:


1.   What would the world be like if you could not trust anybody?

2.   How do you know when you can trust someone?

3.   Can you trust yourself?

4.   Do you think most people can be trusted?

5.   If you ask your friends, would they say you were trustworthy?

6.   How does someone become trustworthy?

7.    Once trust has been broken, what can you do to get it back? Have you ever lost someone's trust? Has someone lost your trust? Explain.

8.      God wants us to have faith in Him. Does faith differ from trust?



1. In African culture respect is considered very important. Why?

2. Do people who don’t show respect deserve to be respected?

3. Why is respect disappearing?

4. Do you think that our leaders are respectful enough of each other?

5. Do you consider yourself to be a respectful person?

6. What does respect have to do with the quality of your character?

7. Does respect need to be earned?

8. How do you develop respect?

9. Should we even respect foreigners and people different to us?



1. Are you a responsible person? Why?

2. Are your family members to be responsible? 

3. Who do you know who is very responsible? Why?

4. What does the golden rule have to do with responsibility?

5. There are no rights without responsibility. What does that mean?

6. Do children have to be responsible?

7. How do you develop responsibility?

8. What happens when people are not responsible?



1. Fairness involves putting yourself in another person's shoes. How is it possible to do that?

2. Can you think of a situation in which it is right to give someone an advantage?

3. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Is this fair?

4. What does the golden rule have to do with fairness?

5. What are the benefits of being a fair person?

6. Describe an unfair situation in your community and what you think should be done about it.

7. What affect does education have on fairness?

8. In what ways was Jesus fair and unfair?



1. How do you feel when people show that they really care about you?

2. When someone is uncaring how does that affect community?

3. Listening is a greater act of caring than throwing coins in a cup. Do you agree?

4. Agree or disagree: By performing caring acts, we become caring people.

5. What does it cost to be caring?

6. Describe the most caring thing anyone has ever done for you. What effect did that have on you?

7. Do we live in a caring world?

8. What was Jesus saying about caring when he told the story of the good Samaritan? Luke 10


1. What is fun?
2. What does fun do for you and others?
3. Do those who have fun live longer that others?
4. Is it true that the more you share your fun with others, the more you have?
5. Is God fun?
6. Is it a lie to say that the more fun you have, the greater your value to yourself and your society?
7. Why do we make fun of others and at their expense?
8. Is it fun to hurt others?



1. What are the benefits of having confidence?
2. What is the opposite of confidence?
3. How can you build confidence?
4. Does God have confidence in us?
5. Do you have confidence in yourself?
6. Who gets the best girlfriend;
a. the guy with the best looks,
b. the guy with the most money
c. the guy with the most confidence?

7. Is it true that leadership and confidence are very closely related?



1. What does it mean to be considerate?
2. What is the opposite of being considerate?
3. Are most people considerate or not?
4. Are most businesses considerate or not?
5. Was Jesus considerate?
6. How do you become considerate?
7. Are you a considerate person?
8. Name a famous person who is very considerate.



1. What is discipline?
2. The only true discipline is self-discipline. Discuss.
3. Why would someone discipline themselves?
4. How would someone discipline themselves?
5. Why is self- discipline important?
6. What happens to people who have no self-discipline?
7. To have a successful life it is vital to have self-discipline. Discuss.
8. Name some famous people who had all the talent to succeed, but failed because of a lack of self-discipline.



1. What is a sense of humour?

2. When is the most important time to laugh?

3. What is the difference between laughing with somebody and laughing at them?

4. Is it good to laugh at yourself?

5. What is the difference between a crude sense of humour and a pure sense of humour?

6. Why do comedians use such bad language?

7. Do you laugh with purity every day?


1. No value is useful if it is started and not carried through. Do you agree or not?

2. They say that many people who are failures gave up just before the achieved success. This is very sad. How should you respond to this?

3. Do you agree that winners never quit and quitters never win?

4. If you were having a serious operation and it was difficult would you excuse the doctor if he just gave up?

5. To what extent has God gone to in order to show his love for you?

6. Do you give up on other people the most, or do you give up on yourself too easily?



1. Young people are ungrateful for what they have. Do you agree?

2. When we take for granted things like education and democracy we are showing very little gratitude for the sacrifices of the past. How can we show our gratitude?

3. How often do you say “Thank You”?

3. Gratitude is not something you say, but it is in the way you live. Agree or disagree?

5. What does gratitude have to do with the quality of your character?

6. Describe the most caring thing anyone has ever done for you. How did you express your gratitude?

7. Paul says he has learned the secret of being content. What does this mean? Philippians 4:10-14



1. Do you think you are a good citizen? Why, or why not?

2. What is social responsibility?

3. Helping needy people is an important part of being a good citizen. Do you agree?

4. Is it important for citizens to voice their opinions?

5. What does good citizenship have to do with the Golden Rule?

6. Do you care for the environment?

7. Who said “Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country.”?

8. If you throw a paper on the ground you are creating a job for someone. Discuss.



1. Do you consider yourself to be an honest person?

2. Do you know that God watches everything you do?

3. When people are dishonest with you, how does it make you feel?

4. Lying ruins relationships. Do you agree? Has that ever happened to you?

5. Simply being honest makes life a lot easier. Do you agree?

6. What does honesty have to do with your character?

7. Are white lies acceptable?

8. Do you agree that there are times when you have to lie.



1. What are some historic examples of moral courage or moral cowardice?

2. What do you think stops people from taking a stand against something they know is wrong?

3. What about having the courage to be yourself. How can it require courage to be yourself?

4. Evil will triumph as long as good people do nothing. What does that mean?

5. Is courage something you have to be born with, or can you develop it?

6. What does courage have to do with the quality of your character?

7. Complete this quote. “Courage is not the absence of fear ……..



1. Optimism opens doors that are closed; pessimism closes doors that are open. Explain.

2. Do you know someone who never believes in you? Does this person not rob you of opportunities in life? Is this person you?

3. Is God an optimist or pessimist?

4. Is God an optimist or pessimist about you?

5. Is optimism something you have to be born with, or can you develop it?

6. What does optimism have to do with the quality of your character?

7. Are you usually an optimist?


1. So far in this study are you being diligent?

2. What do you think causes some people to give up and stop trying?

3. If you are lazy or procrastinate then your biggest obstacle in life could just be yourself. What does that mean?

4. What does a lack of diligence cost?

5. Discipline equals self-respect plus motivation. Do you agree with this equation or how would you change it?

6. Can you ever be your best if you don’t ever do your best?

7. It takes courage to put everything into you studies because you still risk failure. But if you don’t put everything in you guarantee failure. Discuss.



1  Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. Explain

2. Is being thought of as someone with integrity important to you?

3. Have you ever taken a stand that was unpopular and had to pay the price?

4. In what ways do you benefit from making choices that are consistent with your highest values?

5. What do you think Gandhi meant when he said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world?"

6. If your cell phone has a virus it may look good but it lacks integrity. True/ False

7. Julius Malema has no integrity. Discuss.



1.  What is the opposite of ubuntu?

2. Describe somebody who lives their life according to this principle?

3. Give an example of Ubuntu?

4. Did Jesus have ubuntu?

5. Desmond Tutu says that after the way we treat each other, we should never talk of Ubuntu again. Do you think he is right?

6. Ubuntu may be Africa’s greatest gift to the world. Discuss

7. Why do you think that most young people today believe that ubuntu is no longer important?

8. Is ubuntu important to you?

There are many other positive values that you can choose to make a part of your life. They include generosity, compassion, curiosity, forgiveness, humility and many others. Look at the life of Jesus and describe five other characteristics that he displayed in his life.
Give a biblical reference for each of the five. If You Stand For Nothing, You Will Fall For Anything!
It is very important that you know what your own values are. We often can find ourselves in situations where we are tempted to do something or to choose between two behaviors. It is only when we are clear as to our values that we can let them guide us.
For this reason we would benefit from writing a personal value statement for ourselves.  If it is short and easy to remember it is easy to remind ourselves of our values when we are tempted or not sure of what to do.
So write a personal value statement for yourself and include three or four values that are most important to you. This will help you to develop these as part of your character. Then memorize it and keep it in your heart.
For example:
My highest values are to love God and my neighbour and to live this to the extent that Christ loved us, showing compassion, friendship and forgiveness in all he did.  

Dear Learner,
God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. So be gentle, kind, humble, meek, and patient.
Put up with each other, and forgive anyone who does you wrong, just as Christ has forgiven you.
Love is more important than anything else. It is what ties everything completely together.
Each one of you is part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.
Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.
Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.

This assignment counts for 75% of the term mark.

Life Orientation - Physical Education
This term we are playing Ultimate.Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact team sport, played by thousands the world over. It mixes the best features of sports such as Soccer, Basketball, American Football and Netball into an elegantly simple yet fascinating and demanding game. To compete at the top level, Ultimate players require an unmatched degree of speed, stamina and agility. Yet the simplicity of the rules means it's easy and fun for newcomers to pick up.

Ultimate in 10 simple rules
  1. The Field -- A rectangular shape with endzones at each end. A regulation field is 64m by 37m, with endzones 18m deep.
  2. Initiate Play -- Each point begins with both teams lining up on the front of their respective endzone line. The defense throws ("pulls") the disc to the offense. A regulation game has seven players per team.
  3. Scoring -- Each time the offense completes a pass in the defense's endzone, the offense scores a point. Play is initiated after each score.
  4. Movement of the Disc -- The disc may be advanced in any direction by completing a pass to a teammate. Players may not run with the disc. The person with the disc ("thrower") has ten seconds to throw the disc. The defender guarding the thrower ("marker") counts out the stall count.
  5. Change of possession -- When a pass in not completed (e.g. out of bounds, drop, block, interception), the defense immediately takes possession of the disc and becomes the offense.
  6. Substitutions -- Players not in the game may replace players in the game after a score and during an injury timeout.
  7. Non-contact -- No physical contact is allowed between players. Picks and screens are also prohibited. A foul occurs when contact is made.
  8. Fouls -- When a player initiates contact on another player a foul occurs. When a foul disrupts possession, the play resumes as if the possession was retained. If the player committing the foul disagrees with the foul call, the play is redone.
  9. Self-Refereeing -- Players are responsible for their own foul and line calls. Players resolve their own disputes.
  10. Spirit of the Game -- Ultimate stresses sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of respect between players, adherence to the rules, and the basic joy of play.

At Grade 8 Level the marking is as follows: Total marks out of 25
0-10 for participation
0-5 for catching the frisbee
0-5 for throwing the frisbee
0-5 for understanding the rules.